Nursing is a colossal continuing education program essential for the care of brilliant patients. For the level of undergraduate education and the Nursing Association is ranked third of the largest programs in the country. The number of nursing schools and their graduates continues to increase consistently every year. A wide variety of hypothetical and down-to-earth training is provided to officers, with the aim of preparing nursing students to perform obligations as nursing care experts, called nursing education.
In line with the vision of the Department of Nursing to become a study program to produce nurses with integrity, innovative, superior in critical nursing and mastery of information technology towards International Recognition in 2025, an International Conference Seminar was held with the theme Transformation Developments in The Field of Nursing Education, Practice and Research. Through this activity, it is expected to be able to prepare, understand, create an innovation in nursing and be able to provide better health services for the welfare of mankind. So that the implementation of this activity will provide views to students, prospective health workers and health practitioners to be able to create a new innovative work in the field of Health, especially in nursing in achieving the goals of the pillars of transformation of Health and Global Health.

The conference aims to :
1. To add international insight and prepare nursing students to respond to global market challenges and provide a forum for nursing practitioners to present the results of final scientific work that
2. To facilitate nursing students and nursing practitioners who want to study abroad in terms of the preparation needed and what challenges may be faced so as to broaden their horizons.
3. To facilitate the results of innovation from the scientific work of final students and nursing practitioners in the field of nursing and synergize knowledge updates in the field of education, practice and research with a global perspective through evidence-based practice.

Q & A

1. What is INERCI?

INERCI is an international nursing seminar by the Nursing Department of the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Semarang, which also includes an oral presentation and poster competition that seminar participants can take part in.

2. What date INERCI will be held?

INERCI will be held on August 2-3, 2023

3. Where INERCI will be held?

INERCI will be held through a zoom meeting. We will share the zoom link on the official INERCI telegram group.

4. What is the theme of this event?

At the international nursing seminar this time we took the theme: “Transformation Development in The Field of Nursing Education, Practice, and Research”

5. Where can I get the official information regarding INERCI?

You can find out about INERCI on the official website of INERCI at this link: https://keperawatan.poltekkes-smg.ac.id/?p=30776

6. What topics will be discussed at this seminar?

The topics that will be discussed at INERCI are topics relate to nursing, the details of which can bee seen on thw official poster event and official website of INERCI.

7. Who are the speakers on INERCI and Where are the speakers coming from?

• Welcome Speech by Jeffry Ardiyanto, M.App., Sc. as Director of Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang.
• Keynote speaker by drg. Arianti Anaya, MKM as General Director of Health Worker, Ministry of Health.
• Speakers :
1. Bas Speekenbrink from Netherlands
2. Dr. Ma Mercedes Loo from Philippines
3. Dr. Rohani, BNS, MNS from Thailand
4. Dr. Ta’adi, S. Kep, Ns, S.H, M. HKes from Indonesia
5. Iis Sriningsih, S. ST, Ns, M. Kes from Indonesia

8. What are the benefits of joining this?

Many benefits can be obtained from participating in INERCI including:
• Useful knowledge related to current issues in nursing
• Increasing relationships
• Obtaining international publications
• SKKM/SKP certificates(?)

9. How much do you pay?

The registration fee of seminar :
• IDR 20.000 for internal
• IDR 40.000 for general
• USD 20 for foreigner
The registration fee of oral presentation/poster:
• IDR 50.000 for Internal
• IDR 200.000 for general
• USD 60 for foreigner

10. I want to join this seminar, how do I do it

You can register on the google form link below: https://keperawatan.poltekkes-smg.ac.id/?p=30776
After submitting registration you will get an access link to enter the official INERCI telegram group by email.

11. When registration opens and closes?

Registration is open now until July 26, 2023

12. How to follow the oral presentation/poster

Seminar participants who are interested in registering for oral presentations/posters can register and submit works on this google form link: (link registrasi oral/poster)

13. How is the oral presentation/poster competition systematic?

Guidelines for those interested in taking part in the oral presentation/poster can be accessed at this link: (link guidelines)

14. Are all registered seminar participants obligated to take part in the oral presentation/poster?

No, oral presentations and posters can be followed by seminar applicants who are interested only.




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