Championing GenRe Ambassadors by Nursing Students from Magelang Nursing Study Program, Semarang Health Polytechnic

juara GenRe
juara GenRe

This article discusses the outcomes of the final interviews for the GenRe (Duta Generasi Berencana) Ambassador Championship, won by a nursing student from the Magelang Nursing Program at Semarang Health Polytechnic. It serves as a source of motivation for others to emulate. GenRe Ambassadors is a program under the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) aimed at helping adolescents understand healthy and moral living, achieving adolescent resilience, and changing their mindset and behaviors. The program targets adolescents who are still in school, unmarried students, and individuals who care about adolescents. In its efforts to achieve the vision of a ‘planned generation ready to be part of the nation’s golden generation,’ GenRe Ambassadors focus their activities on promoting delayed marriage, education, and reproductive health information. Additionally, the program has a crucial mission that involves aspects of governance, infrastructure, education, health, culture, and regional economics. The GenRe Ambassador Championship is one step toward realizing a high-quality planned generation that positively contributes to the nation.

The GenRe Ambassador Championship won by Ms. Intan Septiana serves as a catalyst for other students at Semarang Health Polytechnic to actively participate in external campus activities. The GenRe Ambassador Program aims to equip adolescents and students with an understanding of healthy living behaviors, delayed marriage, education, and reproductive health information. This program also has a comprehensive mission, encompassing aspects of governance, infrastructure, education, health, culture, and regional economics.

Through the GenRe Ambassador Championship, students from Semarang Health Polytechnic play a role in promoting and socializing this program. In doing so, we contribute to creating a high-quality planned generation that can actively contribute to the advancement of our nation. The GenRe Ambassador Championship is a concrete step towards achieving this vision and deserves appreciation as a positive effort to shape a better future for the young generation of Indonesia.

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