Jurusan Keperawatan Semarang


Information Technology Training for Prospective Graduates of the Magelang Nursing Diploma III Program and Prospective Graduates of the Magelang Applied Nursing Bachelor’s Program 2023

Prospective graduates were equipped with IT-related skills on September 18, 2023, at Campus V of Semarang Health Polytechnic in Magelang. This activity was driven by the demands of the job market in the era...

juara GenRe 0

Championing GenRe Ambassadors by Nursing Students from Magelang Nursing Study Program, Semarang Health Polytechnic

This article discusses the outcomes of the final interviews for the GenRe (Duta Generasi Berencana) Ambassador Championship, won by a nursing student from the Magelang Nursing Program at Semarang Health Polytechnic. It serves as...