Jurusan Keperawatan Semarang

BTCLS 2023 MGL 0

Basic Trauma & Cardiac Life Support Training for Prospective Graduates of Magelang Nursing Diploma III Program and Magelang Applied Nursing Bachelor’s Program

Accidents or disasters can happen anywhere and at any time. Nurses, as the first line of emergency response, must be able to handle issues resulting from accidents or disasters quickly and accurately. Therefore, nurses...


Pelatihan CT-SCAN JTRR di Kampus VIII

Pelatihan CT-SCAN Dasar bagi mahasiswa calon lulusan Prodi DIII Radiologi Purwokerto dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13-16 Agustus 2023 yang menggunakan metode sinkronise dan unsinkronise. Kegiatan pembelajaran off line dilakukan di Kampus VII pada tanggal 15-16...


Student Sports Community Activities (Komunitas Kegiatan Mahasiswa Keolahragaan) for Nursing Students at Magelang Diploma III Program and Magelang Applied Nursing Bachelor’s Program

The agility and skills of students in the field of sports are constantly given the opportunity for further development. Semarang Health Polytechnic provides a multipurpose facility that can be used for student activities, including...

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