Students and Faculty from the Nursing Study Program of Magelang Participated in the Academy of Diversity in Magelang City

The government of Magelang City, through the Agency for National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol), made efforts to enhance unity amidst various ethnic, religious, racial, and customary diversities that had become increasingly complex. These efforts were realized through the event of the National Academy titled “Tolerance and Diversity within the Framework of Unity.” The event was held from Monday to Thursday, October 23-26, 2023, at Hotel Trio.
The Nursing Program of Magelang actively participated by sending three students as participants and one lecturer as a speaker. The three students were Fadhil Wisnu Adi and Hanafi Firansyah, undergraduate students, and Amin Rais, a D3 Nursing student. Additionally, Ns. Angga Sugiarto, M.Kes, a lecturer in the Nursing Program at Magelang, served as a speaker, presenting the Values of Nationalism derived from the Basic Consensus of Building a Nation and a State, known as Sesanti Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
The contribution of the Nursing Program of Magelang was a demonstration of their care and active participation in the programs organized by the Magelang City government, particularly concerning the increasing diversity in Magelang City.

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