Involvement of the Academic Community of the Nursing Program in Magelang in the OSCE Item Development Workshop

The Nursing Program in Magelang at Semarang Health Polytechnic participated in an OSCE Item Development Workshop with Mr. Purbianto, SKp, M.Kep, Sp.KMB as the speaker. This workshop was conducted online via a Zoom meeting. The participants included faculty members and educational staff from all nursing departments at Semarang Health Polytechnic. The event began with an opening statement by Dr. Edi Susanto, SH, S.Si, M.Kes, the Deputy Director 1 of Semarang Health Polytechnic. In his opening remarks, he greatly appreciated this workshop because in the accreditation assessment of institutions, among the 9 criteria, the assessment points for the implementation of the OSCE Exam are substantial. It is expected that all educational institutions, especially those producing nurse healthcare professionals, can conduct the OSCE Exam as a standardized practical examination method, which will also be a graduation requirement and assessed just like the National Competency Test.

The topics covered in the workshop included the Concept of OSCE, OSCE Competency Test Blueprint, techniques for developing and reviewing OSCE questions, OSCE testing techniques, determination of passing score, OSCE development strategies, simulation of the OSCE examination process in the laboratory, and the evaluation of the workshop’s activities and closing remarks. Overall, the workshop proceeded smoothly without any issues. It is hoped that with the implementation of this workshop, the Nursing Department at Semarang Health Polytechnic is ready to conduct the OSCE Exam for students, thereby producing competent graduates ready to compete in both the national and international job markets.

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