The Academic Community of the Nursing Program in Magelang Participates in the Competency Test Webinar by Semarang Health Polytechnic

In anticipation of the competency test for healthcare professionals graduating in 2022, Semarang Health Polytechnic organized a competency test webinar to deepen insights and provide an overview of the test’s implementation. The event was conducted online on Thursday, July 14, 2022. The content related to the policies of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in conducting competency tests was presented by the Director of Healthcare Workforce Development at the Ministry of Health, Mrs. Dra. Oos Fatimah Rosyati, M.Kes. The implementation of the exit exam competency test at Semarang Health Polytechnic is in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 2 of 2020, in which Polkesmar, as the test organizer, collaborates with professional organizations and educational institutions’ associations. Out of 38 Health Polytechnics, only 65.8% achieved a pass rate of more than 85% for all participating students in the competency test in 2021, and Semarang Health Polytechnic was one of them.

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The entire registration process for the competency test was conducted online using a web-based system to facilitate registration, participant validation, payment, participant distribution to test centers, validation of test results, monitoring, and publication. Infrastructure required for online Computer-Based Testing (CBT) includes workstations, server computers, computer networks, test rooms, and quarantine areas. The readiness of both participants and organizers for the CBT competency test will play a crucial role in the successful implementation of the event.

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